Miscellaneous pictures of
11th Annual F.O.F.B. Re-Union 8th October 2016 at Simpsons in the Strand

11th Annual F.O.F.B. Re-Union 8th October 2016 at Simpsons in the Strand

F.O.F.B.'s at the Garden Party, 12th
July 2014 Stoke Lyne.
Host and F.O.F.B. Chairman Dave laid on a barrel of Froth Blowers
Midland Red and a barbeque - thanks Dave.

F.O.F.B.'s at the Eighth Annual Plaque Wetting at the Swan Inn,
Fittleworth, May 2014
'First timers' Bob Oliver and Simon Taylor from the modern day
Watermill Vat made the pilgrimage.

F.O.F.B.'s at the Eighth Annual Re-union of the F.O.F.B. 2013 at
Chairman Dave's cottage Stoke Lyne .
The host laid on a barrel of Froth Blowers Brewing Co Ale ....and very
nice it was too.

F.O.F.B.'s at the Seventh Annual Re-union of the F.O.F.B. 2012 at the
Red Lion , Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.
Attending were the usual
F.O.F.B.'s along with two of Sir Alfred
Fripp's grandchildren, Reginald ' Rex' Blagg (and his wife
and Jill Roberts( with husband John).

F.O.F.B.'s at the Sixth Annual Re-union of the F.O.F.B. 2011 at the Red
Lion , Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.
attendance were the usual F.O.F.B.'s along with one of Sir Alfred
Fripp's grandchildren, Reginald ' Rex' Blagg and his wife
Caroline, and F.O.F.B's
Hannah MacDonald and Heather,
Hannah being an accountant for the current Ancient Order of Froth
Blowers Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Charity,
which Rex is a director of.
F.O.F.B.'s at the 5th Annual Re-Union outside the Swan Inn , Vat 0,
September 18th 2010 - missing is photographer Chris Murray
Click here for
a hi-res version 1.3mb
Assembled F.O.F.B.'s at the 4th Annual Re-Union,
2009, at Simpsons in the Strand, London - an ex Vat.
here for a hi-res version 1.6mb
Assembled F.O.F.B's outside Vat No.0 - The Swan Inn
Fittleworth May 2009

Assembled F.O.F.B's outside Vat No.0 - The Swan Inn
Fittleworth 2008
here for a hi-res version 923 kb

F.O.F.B.s at the 2nd Annual Re-Union at the Red Lion Salisbury in
2007. Sadly, Geoff ( in blue pullover) is no longer with us.
Members of the Singapore Vat at Brewerkz 2014 - with F.O.F.B. Chairman Dave Woodhead
Chairman Dave Woodhead
F.O.F.B. Chris Murray - with the Grail
F.O.F.B. Darren Curtis.
Darren came across a Chairman's Chain in a antiques shop when
holidaying in Capetown, South Africa. The Chain has been successfully

F.O.F.B. Chris Harding resplendent with Piffle Snonker and Chairmans
F.O.F.B. Mick the Hat - the Hat
Vat - The Peyton Arms, Stoke Lyne.
Richard Hancock - Senior Blaster of
the Shrivenham Vat
Swedish F.O.F.B. Thomas Oden
James Jarvis USA FOFB and Clamper
F.O.F.B.s re-creating the Jolly
Brewer Mascot
Webmaster Ian
F.O.F.B. Brian
Junior F.O.F.B. No.1 Sam
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