F.O.F.B. Events Diary

Where requested it is advisable to register attendance intention - just in case there are any last minute changes - it also helps plan future events - ensuring venues are suitable and large enough.

17th Mar 2025                          FOFB Chair, Dave the Chain's, 85th Birthday Celebrations                                  

                                                           A mini-‘Brum Trudge,’ starting from the London & North Western (Wetherspoon) in Birmingham’s New Street Station at 11 a.m.,

                                                     followed by a visit to the Barton Arms, the Prince of Wales (Cambridge Street) and finishing at the recently re-furbished Wellington.

                                                     Other hostelries may be added en-route according to Dave's state-of-health and that of others.


24th May 2025                             Plaque Wetting session  at the Swan Inn, Fittleworth. 
                                         from 12:00 at the Swan Inn  Lower Street, Fittleworth, RH20 1EN

                                        The Swan has currently had a major refurbishment.

October 2025                        Annual Re-Union yet to be arranged   



Here is the diary for the Pub History Society - associated to the Friends of the Froth Blowers.                                       

It is with sadness that David Rowe is having a well needed break and 'retiring' from his talk and lecture circuit.

Thanks David for spreading the word and bringing the memory of the AOFB to so many.
David informs me that he will spend more of his time putting together another book.

F.O.F.B.  David Rowe has a new book out 'The A-Z of Curious Flintshire' featuring an article on the A.O.F.B. under 'Y' .
The book is available to order now from :  http://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/index.php/the-a-z-of-curious-flintshire-pb.html
A-Z of Curious Flintshire

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