Ye A.O.F.B. and the Sotwell
Towards the end of a long working life, one of
the King’s surgeons, Sir Alfred Fripp,
performed a successful abdominal operation on a 45-year-old silk merchant named
Bert Temple. On his recovery, in
September, 1924, he called on Sir Alfred at his home in Portland
to outline his plan to raise £100 for the
Invalid Children’s Aid Association, the Hackney Branch of which
the surgeon had
set up some twenty years earlier, raising large sums of money from
patients and subscriptions. Bert’s idea was to get his friends
acquaintances to pay him 5/- ( shillings ) to join his spoof
fraternity, Ye Ancient Order of Froth Blowers; in return they would get
membership card with some comical requirements for them to adhere to
and some
cuff-links. I do not suppose Fripp was over-optimistic about his
chances of
receiving this gift (large for the time). However, after a year of
coupled with moneys raised by fines at monthly dinners, Bert duly
delivered the
promised amount.
would appear that, as he was about disband
the AOFB, three people previously unknown to Bert – Clarence Moss
in Southsea (enrolling naval men), Jack Haes at the Stock Exchange, and
David Henry Cain (the
Editor of the Sporting Times) –
separately arrived at the conclusion that this was a hoot, and
proceeded to
enrol people by the thousands. Three years later, at the end of 1928,
700,000 men and women - and some of their children and their dogs
– had
received their booklet (replacing the card) and their cuff-links or
Sir Alfred and Lady Fripp had been able to distribute some of the
proceeds (of
around £100,000) to the ‘Wee Waifs’
of the East End of London. However, the unexpected bonanza was so great
large projects were undertaken: in particular, endowments of beds for
children’s hospitals in different parts of the country, a
hospital in West
Wickham – with a Guide hut in the grounds named
‘Heartsease’ (still with an A. O. F. B. connection today)
– and a
convalescent home here, in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.
In the year 2000 a Son et Lumiere commemoration of the connection of the village to
the East End of London was acted out in St Agatha’s Church as Tableau 26 of a
“Brief History of Brightwell”. It was entitled:

A portrait of Fripp was given by him to his friend, the local G.P., Dr. Harry Watts, whose idea the
convalescent home was, with the words, ”With all good wishes, Oct. ‘28”. The
writer of the ‘Brief History’ went on to say that the home “nursed back to
health over 850 boys before it eventually closed in 1936.”

Blackstone house
Interestingly, in 2007, the Friends of the
Froth Blowers received a comment via the Pub History Society ‘Guestbook’ from
Elizabeth Ray, who wrote: “My maternal great-grandmother, Martha Harris, ran a
home for East End lads in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell in the
1920’s. My mother lived there for a short period and can vaguely remember Sir
Alfred Fripp and Dr. Watts.”
According to the Henley
Standard of the time, in July, 1927, there were 22 boys in the Home
convalescing from pleurisy, rheumatic fever and the other debilitating diseases
of poverty and poor diet. Obviously, some important dignitaries connected with
the AOFB – in particular, Sir Alfred himself – decided that it was time to
visit Rosedale. He appears to have been accompanied by
one of the three other main Committee men, Cloudburst Jack Haes (Temple
and Cain being the other two). Three local AOFB’s accompanied them: Blaster
Fred Leftly (possibly, of the Angel Hotel,
Henley) and Blowers Axtell and Willis – which gentlemen
before dinner, “entertained the residents with a rendition of Onward Christian
Soldiers and The Froth Blowers Anthem before sitting down to dine.” The report
continued, “The guests stated their intention to pay more visits to entertain
the lads and also said they would strive to raise the cost of long capes and
goloshers (sic) for them.” The full article is below.
Article reproduced by kind permission of David Dawson, News Editor of the Henley Standard.
31 January 2003
through some ancient back numbers of the Standard the other day, I
stumbled across one of those stories that leaves you wanting to know
In July in 1927 we reported on the good work of an organisation by the name of the Ancient Order of Froth Blowers!
good Blowers established a convalescent home at Brightwell-cum-Sotwell,
near Wallingford, for ‘wee waifs and strays’ and in that month a group
of them paid a visit to the home, which at the time played host to 22
The party consisted of the wonderfully named Sir Alfred
Fripp, who boasted the title of Frothblower No.1, Cloudburst Jack Haes,
Blaster Fred Leftly of Henley and Blowers A. Axtell and E. Willis.
dinner, the Blowers entertained the residents with a rendition of
Onward Christian Soldiers and The Froth Blowers Anthem before sitting
down to dine. The guests stated their intention to pay more visits to
cheer and entertain the lads and also said they would strive to raise
the cost of long capes and goloshers for them.
So just who were these Froth Blowers? Where did they hang out? How was the money raised? What happened to the home?
Not for the first time, dear readers, just what was that all about?”
Before I knew him, and before I had formed
the Friends of the Froth Blowers (in September, 2005), Chris Murray (a
founder-member of the F.O.F.B.) replied, and the information he supplied about the
A.O.F.B. was printed the following month, under the heading: “BE DAMNED TO ALL
PUSSYFOOT HORNSWOGGLERS” . Full article is below.
Article reproduced by kind permission of David Dawson, News Editor of the Henley Standard.
14 February 2003
has been revealed. Two weeks ago I brought you news of the Ancient
Order of Froth Blowers who had established a home for waifs and strays
at Brightwell-cum-Sotwell and asked if any reader could enlighten me to
the background of this body of men.
So my thanks go to Chris
Murray who writes from London with news of the Order. They were in
their hey-day back in the ’20s and were dedicated not only to
promoting goodwill, but to having a good time. In their handbook they
described themselves as ‘a sociable and law abiding fraternity of
absorptive Britons who sedately consume and quietly enjoy with
commendable regularity and frequention the truly British malted
beverage, as did their forbears and Britons every will, and be damned
to all pussyfoot hornswogglers from overseas and including lowbrows,
teetotallers and MPs and not excluding nosy parkers, mock religious
busybodies and suburban fool hens all of which are structurally solid
bone from chin up.”
Their meetings must indeed have been
lively affairs which took the form of ‘general business, gargling
and mutual recriminations, followed by singing, fights and diversions
generally’. To supplement the funds, fines were imposed for such
misdemeanours as late attendance, moaning at the bar, early retirement,
breaking furniture and throwing bread, corks or pianos at the senior
Blower! Members were given titles dependant on how many new Blowers
they could recruit. One hundred members made them a Tornado, 500
members a Monsoon, 1,000 a Grand Typhoon and, if they introduced 2,000,
they became a Cloud Burst. Blowers wore with great pride cufflinks
enamelled with AOFB and most would have had their own beer mug with the
same initials. Their badge depicted a young child stretching upwards
towards a portly gentleman who is blowing the froth from a foaming
tankard of ale.
Sadly, the Order seemed to sink without trace after
the Second World War, but by then they had established groups
throughout the country and raised thousands of pounds for various
PUSSYFOOT HORNSWOGGLERS” was part of Bert Temple’s now (and then) famous diatribe
against teetotallers at home and abroad. As
there were 32 pages of stuff like this - most of it less
vitriolic but equally forthright – it is not surprising that
drinkers and non-drinkers with a sense of humour (and a sense of their
Britishness) joined in their thousands in every part of the English
speaking world – or parts where our presence was felt, from
Tientsin to Patagonia.
In 2011, “A Brief
History of Brightwell” was re-enacted, so the local community do not, perhaps,
need our help to keep the memory of the Froth Blowers alive; but, just in case,
I hereby declare the Red Lion to be an F.O.F.B. Vat, and for Sue Robson to be a Fairy Belle of the Order.

Fairy Belle Sue Robson - seen here blowing
froth off a coffee perculator.
A F.O.F.B. Vat is
required to hold at least one event a year to raise money for a local
children’s charity.
F.O.F.B. Chairman: David L. Woodhead – October, 2011.
the 8th October 2011 the F.O.F.B. held their 6th Annual Re-Union at the
Red Lion in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell. The Red Lion was awarded F.O.F.B
Vat status and the landlady Sue Robson duly declared a Fairy Belle and
presented with a Fairy Belle wristlet.

Some of the F.O.F.B.'s assembled outside the Red Lion, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell.