The A.O.F.B. Membership
Book of Ritual
Membership booklet
1796, named to Frank Bodger, c/o Messrs. Copestake, Cheapside.
Pictures kindly supplied by Billy Boyle. The membership belonged to
Billy's father-in-law's father.
It is quite possible that Bert Temple knew or was friends with Frank
Bodger, Bert was a silk agent based in Cheapside, Copestake's were a
lace makers/vendors and there was a Bodgers Haberdashery store, was
Frank related to the owners?
This is the earliest known membership book in existance, the booklets
starting at 1701, the first 1700 memberships were a card - yet to be
seen - anyone ?
The exterior front cover is printed with the GL Stampa cartoon that
appears on page 3 of later membership books. Worth noting too that the
ink is magenta rather than a dark sepia.
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thumbnail . A zip of all the pages can be dowloaded here: 6.5 mb Right click and Save as
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The Membership booklet was copyright of the Bert Temple. As
Bert passed in 1931, the copyright statute ( 70 years
) has now elapsed.
The information has been reproduced in the interests of
keeping alive.
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